Sasha Alexandra Raskin, Co-Founder and VP @ Ahura A.I.

I can’t possibly say enough good things about Renata. She’s so incredibly approachable. I was nervous about reaching out (nothing to do with Renata, I just have a lot of hang-ups about doing it). She put me so at ease though and right away. She was also SO responsive. I don’t even know her that well and had never met in person and she responded to me quicker than people I’ve known for years. She offered a level of feedback to our deck that even people who want to be on our board of advisors didn’t! It was incredibly thoughtful, incisive, detailed, knowledgeable, and critical (without being cruel). On top of already having gone above and beyond, she continues to be responsive with all sorts of questions I have. And again, to an incredibly thorough level. To be honest, it’s hard to believe she’s a person, and just one person at that. I thought you’d either have to be a robot or have a massive team to do what Renata singlehandedly does! She has helped me set new life goals—If I do even a fraction of what she does to help others I will impress myself! Anyone would be lucky to get to work with her. Endless thanks and gratitude to you Renata!